Sangha Kitchen at the Retreat Land in Pemakod
The Sangha Kitchen
Presently, there isn't an adequate or sufficiently-outfitted Sangha kitchen on the retreat land. Three-year retreatants have been using the small kitchens that are attached to their cabins. However, visiting practitioners or short-time retreatants have to come down to the lower retreat land to use the Temple's kitchen to prepare their meals. This requires them to interact with others on the land, and even sometimes with others from Yoldong and surrounding villages. Retreatants who wish to maintain strict silence or isolation currently find it difficult to do so.
By constructing a modest but adequately-appointed Sangha kitchen on the upper retreat land, for the use of long-time retreatants as well as visiting short-term retreatants, retreatants who wish to remain in isolation for the duration of their retreat on the land may do so. Having a dedicated Sangha kitchen on the upper retreat land is not only useful for practitioners, but it will also help maintain boundaries for the retreat land. For this reason, we will construct a simple but wholly functional kitchen on the upper retreat land near the retreat cabins, next to the Sangha prayer hall.
The kitchen will have three partitions -- one as storage of the food and drinks like tea and coffee materials ready to use for all practitioners; one room for preparing food and cooking, with all utensils necessary (pots, pans, serving plates, a small propane stove for heating water for tea, a water source, and solar power); and a small separate dining area in which retreatants can sit and eat their meals, or simply enjoy the panoramic view of the landscape.
Please help support us in improving the facilities for sincere and dedicated practitioners on retreat at the land.
May All Beings Benefit.
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