His Eminence Khenchen Pema Sherab

His Eminence Khenchen (The Great Khenpo) Pema Sherab is the senior-most Khenpo in the Nyingma tradition. He is one of the three Khenchen of Namdroling Monastery, which is the largest monastery of the Nyingma lineage in India. Khenchen is the teacher of many great scholars, khenpos, tulkus, and loppons from the monastery. Khenchen gives monastic vows to monks in the Nyingma lineage in India and all around the world.      

In February of this year, 2020, Khenchen gave empowerments and teachings at the Deden Tashi Choeling temple while spending some quality time on the retreat land along with two other Khenpos and Matthieu Ricard. It was a great honor for us welcoming and serving these great Khenpos at the temple. 

May Khenchen live long and continue to uphold the monastic lineage of the great Khenpo Shantarakshita of the 8th century!