Later at a sangha gathering, Namgyal Dawa Rinpoche mentioned that ever since his childhood he had dreamt of a place on a mountain top with many animals, rocks and arranged stones, and the incessant sound of a river from the valley below. He went on to say that now, upon finally reaching here, he recognized that this place he had dreamt of all his life was unmistakably Thegchok Osel Choeling retreat land.
After visiting the retreat land, the two Rinpoches then blessed the amazing two stupas recently built behind the temple. These stupas were built in memory of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Penor Rinpoche, each containing their respective relics.
The morning on December 11th began with the practice of Tsokye Thugthig, Lake Born Vajra. In the afternoon, the public gathered from all corners of Pemakod region and listened to Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche speak about the significance of His Eminence Namgyal Dawa’s presence at the temple and the historical importance of Dudjom lineage’s role for the sacred land of Upper and Lower Pemakod. Thereafter, His Eminence gave an empowerment, followed by dinner and dancing later that evening.
December 12th & 13th Troma Tsok Bum “Hundred Thousand Tsok offering with the practice of Chod” was performed, being led by His Eminence Dungsey Namgyal Dawa Rinpoche, Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche, Tulku Choeje Lingpa, Lama Rigdzin Phuntsok, amongst many other great Lamas, Khenpos, Loppons, and dedicated lay practitioners.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche said, around six decades ago Troma Tsok Bums were performed by his predecessor and H.E. Namgyal Dawa Rinpoche’s predecessor at the very same temple, and that these two days of Troma Tsok Bum event, being the largest gathering for such a practice at the same temple again, signifies fulfillment of their previous lives' aspiration.
While practice went on in the temple, rainbows appeared and special birds circled the temple, which are all auspicious signs in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The two days gathering concluded with Marme Monlam, “making aspiration with butter lamp in hands”, acknowledging that we have gathered here due to our past karmic connection,and praying that from here on, to never separate and all attain enlightenment within a single mandala.